Proverbs 12:11
Those who till their land will have plenty of food, but those who follow worthless pursuits have no sense.
I’ve been back to work now for almost a month, and I’m still trying to get back into the groove of things there. I love being a nurse, but working in the Emergency Room can be trying to my patience.
It’s fast paced, which means the hours can fly by, but tension and emotions can run high. You have to develop a thick skin, which can be tough for me.
Last night, a patient’s mother called me an ‘asshole’ as I walked out of her room. When I’m at work, trying to help people and provide for my family, episodes like that deflate my spirit and cause me to question, “Why am I doing this??”
I try to stay focused on the big picture — in this season of my life, I’m busy ‘working with willing hands’ like the Proverbs 31 woman. My schedule allows me to teach my children at home during the week, then go off to work on the weekends, knowing they’re in the capable hands of their father and my best friend.
I know we all have days when we think work isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. How do you handle bad days at the office?
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Sorry. 🙁 I just mentally kicked that woman in the shin for you.