A few weeks ago, I attended a small bloggers retreat with some of my closest blogging pals like Angie from Many Little Blessings and Colleen from Raising Lifelong Learners.
I was thrilled that my best friend Angie was able to attend and I loved meeting Lauren, from Mama’s Learning Corner.
This makes my fifth blogging related event but conferences and retreats are a little more challenging when there are small fry involved.
Are you planning on attending a blogging conference with a baby soon? Here are my best tips for attending the conference with a baby, without losing your mind.
1. Be Realistic
You’re probably not going to keep the pace of the other conference attendees. Even a baby with the most predictable schedule can throw you a curve ball when you’re away from home.
Late night parties and early morning meetings are not on your agenda. Save those for another season of your life.
2. Bring EVERYTHING you need
Get ready. If you’re bringing a baby along, you aren’t traveling light.
If you’re in a hotel, they might have a travel crib. Consider travel versions of things that you use at home.
Between Colleen and I, we packed a minivan full of baby paraphernalia.
We brought along
3. Drive if Possible
Since you’re bringing so much, flying would be a challenge. I prefer to drive, since I can take my time.
This also allows you to take breaks for little ones to nurse, grab a snack or stretch out a bit.
4. Bring a Helper
If at all possible, bring someone that can lend a hand.
I knew that Angie was going to be able to help out a bit, but she also deals with chronic pain.
I tried not to impose on her too much, but I’m forever indebted to her. She watched Maeve while I went on a much needed run before the retreat got started.
5. Arrive Early
Traveling with small babies can be stressful. If you build in an early arrival, you might be able to grab a few hours down time to decompress.
6. Stay a Day Later
After a blogging conference or retreat, a writer’s brain is filled with ideas and things to do. By taking an extra day after the conference, before heading home, you might be able to get your thoughts straight.
Many thanks to Colleen for this great idea.
7. Strength in Numbers
Even though Colleen and I couldn’t offer each other a lot of help, I felt better with her there. I knew that I wasn’t the only one who would feel a little out of sorts, trying to balance learning and writing with a baby in tow.
8. Consider a Carrier
Without a baby carrier, I would have hopped the first plane home.
Maeve is in a difficult age …. very active, and doesn’t nap very well. I needed to find a solution to keep Maeve happy while being able to listen and take notes.
Thank goodness I brought my Ergo carrier. Colleen helped me learn how to wear Maeve on my back, and all was well.
9. Toys and Snacks
Don’t forget ways to keep the baby occupied. I brought along some of Maeve’s favorite toys, along with some non messy snacks.
10. Don’t Forget Baby’s Safety
Keeping your baby safe will look different depending on where you’re staying. Things to consider:
Where will baby sleep? You may want to bring a portable crib, co-sleeper or Pack and Play. I also brought along outlet covers. Baby gates or play yards might make your must bring list.
What about you? Have you attended a conference with a baby? I’d love to hear your best tips, too!
Be sure and check out my friends Angie with Top Ten Tuesday and Kristen with Works for Me Wednesdays for more excellent ideas to help you out.
It was a fun adventure! Great tips, my friend, and I love that cute little boy in the baby swing. ๐ The little sweetheart in the Ergo isn’t half bad either! Love you!
How old is your daughter? I went with my husband to a conference this year while I am about 6 months pregnant, and he wants me to go again next year. Obviously I have some time to decide, but I’m just trying to figure out how feasible it is.
Hello, Sarah!
I’ve actually taken Maeve to two conferences — once when she was 6 weeks old, and the last one when she was 9 months old.
6 weeks was easier, since she slept more. It was a bit of a struggle for me, since I didn’t know anyone there. In hindsight, I would have taken some sort of recording device to catch the talks.
The trip at 9 months was a huge challenge — she’s not a great napper, and since we co-sleep, I didn’t really bring anything for her to sleep in. She likes to be with me ALL.THE.TIME, so I wore her quite a bit in the Ergo while I was gone.
If you and your husband are attending together, I think it’s doable, especially if the baby is young. Wearing the baby is a huge help, too.
You can switch off caring for the baby, while the other parent hears the conference. Make sense?
I could have used these tips a couple weeks ago for my first blogging conference! ๐ I had Jade with me, but she was only 7 weeks so sleeping lots still and not as active. I was also only there for the day. Next conference (in a week), I think I will just take the sling, as I found the stroller too cumbersome in a crowd and it limited where I could go with her (stairs are out). I love my Ergo. ๐