Matthew 2:11 Then they opened their treasures
and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
The Feast of the Epiphany always makes me a little sad, since it means the end of the Christmas season. Packing up the Christmas decorations, and my three Nativity scenes reminds me that there were so many things I missed during the Advent and Christmas seasons. I get entirely too caught up in all the hustle and bustle, when all I really want is peace and quiet reflection.

Reading about the Epiphany makes me think of gifts …. both giving and receiving. Brett and I usually don’t do a lot of gifts for each other, but this year, managed to surprise each other with gifts each of us really needed and wanted. I LOVE handmade gifts, and was blessed to receive those from my grandmother, as well as my friends Angie and Kaye. I appreciate the gifts I received, and also appreciate the joy that comes with giving gifts to others.
It also reminds me to think about how we use the gifts we receive. Looking around at my family — I think, “am I being the mother and wife that God intends?” I’m reasonably skilled as a writer — am I using this gift to the fullest extent? It’s certainly food for thought, in the beginning of the year, when everyone seems to try to turn over a new leaf and start something new.
Looking for ways to celebrate the Epiphany, or teach your children? Lacey, over at Catholic Icing, has a host of Epiphany resources for your family. My favorite are the printable Kings craft.
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Thanks for hosting. I wish I had paid attention last week and seen that you started this up again. May God bless you.
No worries — I really slacked off around the holidays! I;m up and running again! Thanks for coming by!
*sigh* I guess this means I have to take down the Christmas decorations, huh? Your “three kiigs” graphic is beautiful, by the way – makes me want to scrapbook ๐
It IS lovely … and I actually thought of you when I found it. So pretty.
This week is Operation De-Christmas …. and I’m sure it will take me all week.
It IS lovely … and I actually thought of you when I found it!
Yup – this week is Operation De Christmas .. and it will take me all week, no doubt.
It’s been a long while since I’ve had a suitable post to link up here, but it’s good to be back. ๐
I feel the same. I always get a melancholy feeling each year when it’s time to take down the decorations. Especially the lights. It’s like going into the darkness.
That’s a marvelous analogy — I never thought about that.
Thankfully, our days are getting longer. Lent and Easter will be here before we know it.
In my calendar, I KNOW it’s over, but I am leaving the tree up and my heart full for a while longer. ๐
You have many reasons for your heart to be full, my sweet friend! No worries — my tree is still up, too.
I made a special French Three Kings Cake this year for my son’s French class. The teacher does this special celebration each year. (It is a Christian school.) I loved making it and thought I should do it again next year.
I don’t know why I never thought about doing a King Cake this time of year! I LOVE King Cake for Mardi Gras, but it makes perfect sense here!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Great reflections! I’ve been doing some of the same as we entered the new year. I especially need to pray about your question—am I using my gifts to the extent that God intends for me this year?
Thank you!
Thanks so much for linking up, as the feast of Epiphany is not something I have spent a lot of time thinking about. I do believe it is a great way to slow down and focus on the real reason we give gifts at Christmas and to think about the sacrifice the wise men made in traveling to bring their gifts to Jesus.
Thanks for making me think!!