Psalm 139:13-14
You formed me my inmost being;
you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me, wonderful are your works!
Being pregnant with Baby 5.0, the story of St Gianna is one that I hold very dear. Gianna was the tenth of thirteen children, and as a working mother, practiced pediatrics in her Italian clinic.
When she was pregnant with her fourth child, it was discovered that she had a uterine fibroma. Her doctor advised her to have an abortion, which Gianna adamantly refused. She went on to carry her daughter to full term, instructing her physicians to save the life of her unborn child. A few days after her daughter Gianna Emanuela Molla was born, St Gianna died at age 39, leaving behind an amazing legacy for all mothers.
Her daughter Gianna followed in her footsteps and became a physician. Her husband and her three surviving children were able to be present during her canonization. She is the inspiration behind St Gianna’s Physician’s Guild, an organization of Catholic physicians and health care professionals dedicated to upholding Catholic principles.
Contemplating her life reminds me to cherish my own pregnancies, my children, my husband, as well as my vocation as a mother and professional. She is a spiritual go to girl for pregnant mothers such as myself, as well as those dealing with the cross of infertility.
“Be living witnesses of the greatness and beauty
of Christianity.” – Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-1962)
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A beautiful story of an inspirational life.
Thanks for coming by today, Donna!
I recently discovered St. Gianna through an EWTN movie special. She was an amazing woman and role-model for all women. Thanks for sharing this!
I’d love to see this special, if you have the link.
Thanks for coming by today!
Well, I couldn’t find a direct link; however, it is being shown on ETWN again (I THINK it is the same one I watched, but not sure) on May at 3am. If you have a DVR you could tape it. 🙂
A personal story I often share, and posted in January at my son’s 39th birthday, was that the drs then were trying to convince me to have an abortion because they were convinced the baby was going to be a life-long vegetable. I was very frightened at what might be on my path, but I said “No.” My son was born on Jan 17, 1973… 5 days before Roe v. Wade came to effect. B/c I was so impoverished in those years, and living in great stress, I did not even know about the law changes. But my son was OK. I believe the Lord placed him there as a miracle and I have a sample of why/how to be anti-abortion. The title: My “Abortion” Miracle.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Joanne, for sharing such a wonderful, personal story.
God has a purpose for every soul He creates — I look at my youngest daughter, who came along very unexpectedly, and know that her birth and presence in my life set me on a path that God intended for me all along.
Great to see you here today!
The life of St. Gianna is very inspiring for so many reasons. She was a working mother and could not have done all that she did without a good husband and family pulling together to make it possible. Today’s women who are conned into believing that they have to choose between career and motherhood lose a great deal. With God’s help, anything is possible. Pope John Paul II knew what he was doing when he canonized her.
Thanks for coming by, Barb.
Finding a balance between working and caring for a family is a delicate balance — even after almost 18 years, I’m still leaning how to make it work.
I love that her husband and children were able to be at her canonization. Amazing!
I love the story of Gianna. Thanks for sharing it. I love Psalm 139 too!
It’s amazing — I’m going to have to add one of the books to my reading list. She was also amazingly devoted to her husband — there’s a book that is a compilation of love letters between Gianna and her husband.
There are so many wonderful Scriptures regarding pregnancy/childbirth/motherhood/children — it’s hard to decide. This one is beautiful, I agree!
Thanks for coming by.
A lovely message to keep this and everyday!
What a blessing to wake up and welcome another day! Thank you Heavenly Father!
Thank you for coming by, Rona!
Thanks for sharing this story. What a legacy!
I love reading about her! Thanks for coming by, Dawn!
Beautiful testimony to the sanctity of human life. I, too, was advised to have an abortion when the dr. suspected my Emily had downs syndrome. She didn’t but I don’t believe we love her any more than we would if she did.
Pamela, thank you for sharing your story! That’s a big reason that we refuse a lot of prenatal testing — why do a test, and put myself through worry, when we would never terminate a pregnancy? God’s creation of a baby is sacred — I’m just here to be thankful.
So nice to see you stop by!
Lovely story.
Thanks for coming by, Denise!
Amen! What a beautiful woman she must have been. And may we all be strengthened by the way she chose to “lay down her life for her friends” — meaning the ones who share her breakfast table.
Great post. 🙂
Thank you for coming by, Kelli.
I love reading her story, and learning more about her.
Love St. Gianna, she was an amazing woman. If you write to her shrine they will send you some lovely prayers cards and other information. Thank you for bring light to a wonderful saint for women!
Thanks for coming by, Crystal! I’ll be sure to drop the folks at the shrine a note.
What a lovely lady she sounded like, thanks for sharing a bit about her to us!
What an inspiring post. Thank you for sharing.
we had a bishop at our home for dinner. I asked him who as a mother and a father, could wee pray to for intercession in our life? Who could we ask for help in the daily struggles of parenthood….his answer.. St. Gianna….