Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Adding a new baby to a family is never easy.
Mothers have to recover from childbirth – not an easy task, especially when caring for a newborn and other young children.
Brothers and sisters may feel slighted, since all the attention is directed toward the tiniest member of the family. Roles in marriage often shift to meet the new demands of an infant.
I tried to be Supermomma the first few weeks that Maeve was home.
I managed for a while, then slowly ran out of steam and patience.
Thankfully, my husband recognizes the fact that managing a large family is definitely a balancing act. He won’t let me suffer alone.
He’s up with the baby as much as I am, walking the floors to help settle her sensitive belly. My burden is lightened with his kindness, and for that, I’m forever grateful.
Later this week, we will celebrate the feast day of St Elizabeth of Portugal. Born to a royal family, she was betrothed to the King of Portugal at age 12. King Denis did not share her pious nature, having many infidelities. Elizabeth continued in her practice of Daily Mass and praying the Divine Office, staying true to her marriage. Years later, King Denis converted to Christianity.
Despite her royal status, Elizabeth spent much of her time in service to others in need in her community, and served as peacemaker in her family. After the death of King Denis, she went on to become a Third Order Franciscan in a Poor Clare convent she had founded. She is known as the patron saint against jealousy, for peace, and for brides.
Do you struggle with jealousy? Strive for peace in your home? Asking for St Elizabeth of Portugal’s intercession could certainly help many relationships.
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Thanks for the reminder of all the adjustments to a new baby. We have a new grandchild arriving in just over a week!
At my age, and with my family, I rarely have to deal with this baby issue any more for the rest of my life. I’ve helped deliver babies for my Bhutanese “kids” and “grandkids”, and have taken them to the hospital before and after and the babies to start at the pediatric clinic…mostly so I can help them fill out the paperwork. But I always tease them and say that I’ve done my part, but now I can go home and they have to do the rest of it — most of them have a number of nearby [sometimes same apt] family members and they step in beautifully.
It was nice to see how things are going for you with your husband stepping in. That’s good not only for you, but for the baby and others to see that their dad cares for them.
Glad you can enjoy a St. that understood what you are walking through.
Great word. Your baby is adorable!
Thank God your husband is so helpful. And what a great example of being a dad for your kids.
It would be life changing if children could remember all the love and labor poured out upon them from the very beginning. Usually it is not until our own babies awaken our love and demand constant attention do we truly understand the price our parents paid for their cuddly bundle of fussiest.
Praise God for loving helpful husbands!
She sounds like a beautiful saint. Makes me think of Paul’s advice to women who are “unequally yoked” about sanctifying their husbands. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Children are a blessing and reward from God (Ps 127). St Isabella is certainly a fitting saint and may she always remember you in her prayers.
congrats on your new baby!! congrats to all of you! and thanks for this highlighting this saint.. as parents here we look to saints to help us and show us how be parents and spouses and most of the saints seem to not have kids or spouses!
It takes a lot of adjusting to a new baby in the family but they are so worth it. Congratulations. Thank you for the info on St. Elizabeth.
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