1 Timothy 4:14
Do not neglect the gift you have …
This weekend, I’m connecting with other Christian homeschool bloggers at the 2:1 Conference. Common themes among all the speakers this weekend have included using your writing to glorify God, shunning comparisons to others, and seeking God’s will for your life.
Imagine my surprise when I opened A Book of Catholic Saints for Mothers, and saw this heading under St Catherine of Bologna:
I had to laugh, since God has to speak loud and clear to get me to listen.

Portrait of Mary and Jesus by St Catherine of Bolgna
St Catherine of Bologna(1413-1463) worked in the French court before entering the convent of the Poor Clares. She was a talented artist, musician, dancer, singer, and writer, penning The Seven Spiritual Weapons. Blessed with a multitude of talent, she remained humble, striving to serve others in God’s will. Considered to be the patron saint of artists, we celebrate her feast day on March 9th.
Being around these women has inspired me, yet reminded me of my focus in life. This weekend will challenge me to work on my spiritual life, refocus my priorities back to my husband and family, and continue to strive to use my creative talent (writing) as God intended.
How are you using your gifts?
Looking for more faith filled posts? You’ll find me visiting Soli Deo Gloria,Jump Tandem,Scripture and a Snapshot, Sunday Snippets, Spiritual Sundays, Hear it on Sunday, Playdates with God,Titus 2sday,On Your Heart Tuesday,Domestically Divine Tuesdays,Gratituesday,Word Filled Wednesdays, Walk With Him Wednesdays, iFellowship, and Good Morning Girls.
She is quite inspirational!!
I just kind of happened upon her with researching — so glad I did! It fit so well with the events of the weekend!
Thanks for coming by!
Isn’t it encouraging when we see God confirming our gifts and showing us new things? So glad you have such a great family of friends to connect to and grow with. Blessings.
I’m sure God just shakes His head about me — I have to be reminded quite a few times before it sinks in!
Thanks for coming by!
Need to focus, focus and focus some more — on my Father.
Joanne —
The weekend really opened my eyes to shifting my priorities back to where they belong — to my faith, my husband and my children.
Great to see you here today!
I read something great today about God’s will in Matthew Kelly’s book, Rediscover Catholicism (a must read). He said that we don’t necessarily have to figure out God’s entire will for our lives. When a priest asked Mother Teresa to pray that God would give him clarity, she told him, “God might not give you clarity. You might just have to trust Him.” (I loosely quoted that, it is not the exact quote.) So basically to find God’s will, all we have to do is in the here and now, at every moment, make the choice that will make us a better person…basically with every choice we make, no matter how large or little, we need to ask ourselves: “Will this make me a saint?”
Can I give a little cheer that you stopped by?
You’re not the first person to suggest the Matthew Kelly book. I’ll have to look and see if I can get it in audio format, since I love listening to his Australian accent!
My struggle is discerning what is my will, and what is God’s. In other words, my entire life, I’ve had to be very self sufficient, making my own decisions, leading the way, etc. It’s very hard for me to sit back and be quiet, listening for God’s guidance. Make sense?
Great to see you here today!
Yes, I know what you mean. He does have it on audiobook, I”m the same way..LOVE his accent. Was going to buy the audiobook just so I can listen in the car. I’d read this book over and over again.
Encouraging others to use their gifts is one of my passions. We all have gifts yet think if we do not have big gifts like some, then ours are not worth using. Yet, God is please with every talent we have to offer.
That’s a great thought to keep in mind as well — encouraging others to use the gifts that they have, especially if they overlook them.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing!
Thanks for the reminder to use my talents for God. I tend to hide them under a bushel. Great post! Found you through Gratituesday link up.
That reminds me of the “This little light of mine’ song! The challenge for me is to recognize my gifts, and then use them without seeming arrogant. Tall order!
Thanks for coming by!
Nice post.
Focus is the word. It is too easy to focus on the unimportant instead of the important. Thank you for sharing this encouraging post.
What an amazing women. I always love to see how different people see our Savior and his precious Mother.
2 of my kids are artists..I am so happy to know she is the patron saint!