Genesis 4:9
Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said,”I do not know; am I my brother’s keeper?”
This passage calls to mind that there is much more to our lives as Christians than being absorbed with ourselves. Despite the negativity in our world today, we cannot sit idly by, and hope for change. One person CAN make a difference in the lives of others, and we are called to share our ‘spiritual goods’ even more so than material possessions.
I was unfamiliar with the term solidarity, at least with regards to the Catholic Church. Father Corapi mentioned it like this:
Although we are abundantly blessed, we are called to be mindful of the suffering of others
Our Catechism discusses that according to God’s plan, we are all different, and will have unique attributes: age, physical abilities, moral aptitude, benefits derived from social commerce and the distribution of wealth. With these differences, practicing Christian charity to those lacking in areas in which we are blessed is vital to a society’s survival.
Interested in more of what Father Corapi had to say? Be sure and check out my post on the sanctity and dignity of human life, and stay tuned for more snippets over the next few weeks.
St Gemma Galgani was an Italian saint, born in the 1800s. Influenced greatly by her parents, she began helping the poor as an young girl, sewing clothing for the poor, gathering the poor children in her neighborhood for religious instruction, and visiting the sick in the hospital.
She was diagnosed with spinal meningitis, and was sick for over a year, when she was miraculously cured through the intercession of St Gabriel Possenti. She was also afflicted with the stigmata, or the wounds of Christ.
She is known as the patron saint for those suffering from back pain, as well as orphans, and those struggling with temptations.
Join in, link up, and share your favorite saints and Scripture! I’d love to hear your stories about how you help others in need, too.

I love your post, Dianna.
You are so right: one person can make a difference. And, one person’s action that is connected to another person’s action, and then another person’s action and so on can make a big difference!
Thanks again for hosting! God bless you.
This is such a wonderful post….very thought-provoking! Sometimes I do get caught up in the whole “one person cannot make a difference” attitude which I really need to keep an eye on, especially around the kids!