Looking back over this Lent, I don’t deem it a complete failure, but I didn’t get all the things accomplished that I wanted. I managed to cut the cursing back a bit, made it to Confession and Adoration, but missed out on Stations of the Cross. My ‘to be read’ pile hasn’t budged, and poor St Joseph probably thinks I’m ignoring him.

Why Weepest Thou? Liz Lemon Swindle
Instead of hanging my head in shame, I’m moving on and trying to focus on what’s important. I TRIED to rearrange my priorities and become a little more Christ like in the process. What did I learn? I need to stop trying to micro-manage every part of my life, and relax. “Let go, and let God”, as the old saying goes.
John 20:20
After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
Today is a day of great celebration in our Church, and for Christians everywhere. I’m simply saying, “Thank you, Lord.” I’m certainly not worthy.
Have a Happy and Blessed Easter season!
I didn’t accomplish everything I wanted to either this Lent, but like you I learned I need to let go and let God. Have a truly blessed Easter!
Christ is risen!
He has risen! Amen!
Well this past Lent I also feel I did not accomplish as much as I wanted to. However, I did have a lot of teaching moments with my kids and that made all the difference.
visiting from #commenthour
My “to be read pile” is a fire hazard!!
Here from #commenthour. I don’t participate in Lent but I think it’s great that your not beating yourself up about the things you weren’t able to do.
Thank you Lord! Amen!
Well, no one is perfect and you should be proud of the things you DID accomplish!! Go you!! and to learn something, is the greatest gift!
I don’t do lent but I do reflection and change things or follow a book like 31 days to build a better blog and improve that. I am always working on being a better person. Sometimes it is good and sometimes not so much
stopping by from comment hour
I did stick to my no soda & gummy candy pledge, but that was about it. I didn’t even make to Mass once with the girls. The last time I went, the Hoo spent the whole time running up and down the pews with my trying to nurse her sister while chasing her, so we haven’t been back. Now that I am with my parents, I plan on going more. I am only baptized Catholic, not confirmed yet (my mother is Methodist, dad Catholic and she was the one who took us to church), but my husband is fully Catholic & wants our girls raised in the faith. Definitely subscribing to your blog to learn more!
stopping by from the #commenthour-way late!