6 months ago, if you would have told me that I was going to run … for fun, not for self protection, I would have thought you were nuts. Now, I have a few 5Ks under my belt, and gunning for more. What keeps me motivated? Why in the world does anyone run, much less me, a non athlete?
1. To Make my Husband Proud of Me:
6 years ago, when my husband and I met, I played tennis, but abhored any other workouts. If you had told my husband that I would be running 5Ks, 10Ks, and even signing up for a mini marathon, he would have laughed himself silly. I’ve thrown him a super curve ball.
Each time I run, or go to the gym, Brett tells me how proud he is of me. What could be more motivating?
2. To Clear My Head
Have a situation that needs to be processed? Go for a run, or a good long workout. You’ll be surprised at how much better your brain works when you’re exercising.
3. To Set a Good Example: I can’t expect my children to be active, if I’m sitting on the couch, eating potato chips.
4. To Enjoy the Great Outdoors: Instead of being cooped up in the house, I run ….. in the neighborhood, or in one of our local parks. Park running is my favorite, as I get to breathe in all of nature!
5. To Have a Sense of Accomplishment: Last week, I had a training session for my Why Catholic group. I snuck out of the house early, and by the time the meeting started at 9, I had already run four miles. It’s so fun to run early, and think, “some folks haven’t even had breakfast, and I’ve already ran a 5K!”
6. To Challenge Myself: When I started running back in October, I couldn’t even run for 5 minutes straight. As I write this, my last long run was an hour, for a total of five miles! With each run, I challenge myself to run a little faster, a little stronger, or just plain better.
7. To Challenge My Husband:
Brett doesn’t take nearly enough time for himself. If I’m running races, it challenges him to get back to what he loves to do – run, both with me, and by himself.
8. To Be Happy: I’m a happier person when I’m running. I’m not so convinced that I get a ‘runner’s high’, but I do know that I’m too pooped to argue much after running.
9. To Be Healthy: At this stage in my life, I know I’m getting older, and I’d better get myself in the best shape I can, before things start heading downhill. (literally and figuratively)
10. To Learn: I used to be an avid reader, until I had three children in 25 months. Nowdays, the longest book I’m liable to read is Stuart Little. When I run, I load my iPod full of podcasts, and I learn while I’m running. I save my bee-boppin’ playlists for race days.
These are all great reasons! People should always try to do more to better themselves! It makes you feel good about yourself, and that happy accomplished attitude spreads!
That’s a great list! You should feel very proud of yourself! I love seeing when people enjoy exercise, and not see it as something they have to force themselves to do.
I too, *think* I hate running, but deep inside I know it’s just a mental thing. I’d like to take up running after my little one is just a bit older. Hopefully when the weather gets nicer, I can do some running with the jogging stroller.
Awesome post 🙂
I enjoyed reading your top ten! It is so inspiring to read about others who, never saw themselves running, purposely running! Thanks for the encouragement :o)
Great list! I need to remind myself of these when I feel too tired or busy to run!
Very inspiring, you’ve come so far physically & in your way of thinking!!
I love this list! I run for all those same reasons!
Dianna – I recently started RUNNING — yes, running! I can’t believe it, but a friend and I want to do a 5K at Disney in 2016. I agree with each and every reason you gave. Good stuff. Hugs!
Love your list! Running helps teach me that I can do far more than I ever think I can, and I think that’s one of the greatest motivations to me. It also teaches me my limits, and it teaches me to not compare my body to others even when it comes to endurance, flexibility, or speed, but to do what my body tells me to do, and stop when my body tells me to stop. In the end, this helps me to not compare myself in other ways to people in general, not just running, and to appreciate my body more. Running is such a great workout to make part of your lifestyle. And I totally agree with you–nature runs are the best!