Romans 12:5-7
so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach …
Looking over the calendar, we passed right over St Elizabeth Ann Seton’s feast day on January 4th. In my mind, she’s a go to saint for those of us who are homeschooling.
Born in New York in the 1700, she was raised in upper class New York society. Despite her social background, she lived a simple, quiet life. She married her husband, William Seton, in 1794. Shortly after they were married, William’s father died, leaving the couple to care for William’s many brothers and sisters. The family later moved to Italy in an effort to rescue their ailing shipping business as well as William’s health.
After the death of her husband, she joined the Catholic Church and later established the first free Catholic school in America. She is also the foundress of the Sisters of Charity in the United States. She is the first canonized saint born on U.S. soil.
There is no doubt in my mind that homeschooling is the right decision for our family, but it’s one of the most challenging things I’ve put on my plate. My youngest daughter and I are very much alike … strong willed, outspoken, with tempestuous spirits. On days that we clash, instead of beating my head against the desk, I’d be a bit better off to offer up a prayer to Mother Seton, asking for her intercession.
Link your Saints and Scripture post up below, and be sure and visit the other participants to spread the word.
Looking for other faith filled link ups? I’ll be stopping by Scripture and a Snapshot, Sunday Snippets, Spiritual Sundays, Hear it on Sunday, Playdates with God,Word Filled Wednesdays, Walk With Him Wednesdays, iFellowship, Planting Mustard Seeds, Good Morning Girls, Inspiration Fridays and Journeys of Faith Fridays.
I was named after Elizabeth Ann Seton! She’s a great saint although that is kind of biased. Although I’ve always liked her for all the work she did in education and as a daughter of teachers she has always been a role model in our home.
That’s awesome! My youngest daughter’s middle name is Elizabeth, too. ๐
So glad to meet up with you this week on Twitter! Thanks for stopping by!
“Tempestuous.” What a great, totally underused word ๐
Oh, yes … ’tis an amazing word, especially when spelled correctly. I about died.
It’s spelled properly now, TYVM!
And, the word is PERFECT for Rachel and myself. ๐
Oh my. I promise I wasn’t passive-aggressively correcting your spelling :-/
I’ve always liked SEAS. I grew up in a parish staffed by the Daughters of Charity and rejoiced with them when she was canonized.
That’s Awesome!
I’ve never been involved in a parish staffed with nuns. I don’t even think we have any in our area, sadly.
Thanks for dropping by!
My sister chose her as for Confirmation. We have all been given gifts and its amazing what Christians have done when they have invested their talents like the wise servants of the parable.
I’m on a roll with the theme of ‘gifts’. Even my spirit – loud and boisterous – can be used wisely.
Thanks for coming over!
None of us know who may be looking to us. I’m sure Elizabeth Seton knew what a blessing she would be to you. I’m praying you’ll be blessed each day as you teach your daughter.
As my daughter gets older, I’m more and more aware of how much of an influence my husband and I have on her.
Homeschooling is rough — but there are more good days than bad!
Thanks for coming by!
Hello! I stumbled upon your blog and I am so happy I did. I am following you on Pinterest and Twitter now! I homeschool my children too. We have kindred hearts. Bless you!
Thanks so much for coming by and linking up! I’m really interested in that HEART study you’re doing. It looks awesome!
I just loved reading about St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. And something about her face in that painting really calls to me. What a gift to celebrate the women who have given so much. Just as you give to your children…we carry a rich heritage, don’t we? I’m so glad you linked to Playdates with God this week!
I was thrilled to find Playdates with God – what a wonderful linkup!
Her picture is so calm …. and SO unlike myself as I run around every day!
Thanks so much for coming by!
I’m not familiar with the Saints…so, it is nice to read about them here! Love how you are teaching and training your children!
Thanks for stopping by, Rebecca!
We consider the Saints a great big extended family — friends to emulate, and to turn to. Many of them had LOTS of issues …. hot tempers, etc, so it makes me feel good that God doesn’t ask for perfection, but for us to turn it over to him.
Awe inspiring post.
Thank you, Denise!
I can relate so well to your post. My daughters and I often clash, as they are as strong willed as me. I am also learning prayer can calm us all. However, it is not always the easy route to choose.
After 4 children, you’d think I’d be an expert. Ha! I’m still learning and growing every day!
Patience has NEVER been a strong point for me. It’s like the old song, “He’s still working on me”. I have loads of room for improvement.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks for sharing about Elizabeth Ann Seton! I had never heard her story.