Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
As I’m getting older, I’m slowly outgrowing my need for lots of ‘stuff’.
I pour over organizing websites, drool over closet makeovers, and busy myself with decluttering things we no longer need.
Getting my physical world in order is a direct result of a lot of work in my psychological world. After lots of therapy and loads of prayer, I’m ready to tackle the clutter – both in my brain and in my house.
Having less stuff equals less stress for me, in a million different ways. There will be less for me to clean up and less things to lose. I’ll have MORE overall — more time, more peace and more memories.
In striving for a simpler life, we have an amazing model in St Clare.
She was born to a wealthy Italian family, but soon ignored the riches of her family to follow St Francis of Assisi. After learning from St Francis, she went on to write her own Rule of Life for her order that would be known as the Poor Clares. She was the first woman in Church history to write a monastic rule. She influenced her family greatly, as her sister and mother came to join her in her order.
The Order of St Clare is a contemplative community, and many are cloistered. You’ll find Poor Clare houses all over the United States.
One of the most well known Poor Clares of today’s time is Mother Angelica, the driving force behind EWTN.
Want to teach your little ones about St Clare? Don’t miss Saints Fun Facts or Catholic Icing’s crafts for children.
Does St Clare inspire you? How are you living a simpler life?
Looking for more faith filled posts? You’ll find me visiting Soli Deo Gloria,Jump Tandem,Scripture and a Snapshot, Sunday Snippets, Spiritual Sundays, Hear it on Sunday, Playdates with God,Titus 2sday,On Your Heart Tuesday,Domestically Divine Tuesdays,Gratituesday,Word Filled Wednesdays, Walk With Him Wednesdays, iFellowship, and Good Morning Girls.
I’m stopping by from Jumping Tandem today.
I was just speaking with a friend about living clutter-free. It definitely makes life easier and more focused.
I truly love Sundays. Have a blessed week.
How funny. This has been something I’ve been contemplating myself…..ridding out and organizing. It’s all earthly treasures and none of it will go with us when we go. Time for IT to go now.
Dianne, thank you for hosting this link up and for inviting me to add my post. It is nice to meet you and to get to know your blog. We are organizing and trying to declutter my girls room today! Tomorrow, the play room…
Thanks so much for linking up to WFW and offering your thoughts on what it means to simplify…a forever goal of mine, too!