In my life this week ….
I’d like a do over, please.
The little girls both ended up in the ER this past week.
Laura called me Saturday night while I was at work. “Umm. I think I need to bring Rachel to you. She fell and bumped her head, and I think she needs stitches.”
No worries, right? I’m an ER nurse, Laura’s an ER nurse. What could go wrong?
We seriously underestimated the amount of crazy Rachel could bring up in the ER. We had to bribe her to even let the doctor look at her head. Then, I had to literally chase her around the room, finally calling another doctor in to help us hold her down to put numbing medicine on her head. Last, she scared all the other patients in the ER by wailing like a banshee — after the staples were done.
Monday, Maeve was not herself. Feverish for a few days, coughing, and no appetite. Darn it! I called my friends at the ER for a chest x-ray. 1 hour later, we found out she had pneumonia. ARGH! I’m just thankful that we didn’t have to stay at the hospital. So far, she’s slowly improving.
Enough already!
In our homeschool this week …
We’re trying to plug through til the bitter end. Rachel learned about synonyms and antonyms this week. Next week, we will cover homonyms and ABC order, wrapping up our first grade phonics for the year. WAHOO!
What’s left? Math, spelling, and cursive writing. I’m hoping to finish up by Memorial Day.
I’m slowly starting to plan for next year. We will actually still be doing a wee bit of school over the summer, like science and Bible studies. I’m planning on using Memoria Press again, with a few things added/switched around. That’s information for a whole ‘nother blog post.
Something I am ogling or have my eye on ….
Another book, of course. I’ve stopped reading fiction, except for the children’s books we pour through. Most days, you’ll find me with my nose in a book about my faith, or books about blogging. I can’t wait to get my hands on this beauty.
My sweet pal Colleen and the iHomeschool Network brainy beauties have created a masterpiece of blogging tips – everything from photography to SEO to how to balance marriage and blogging. (better star that one) I know what I’ll be reading by the pool in a few short weeks!
Speaking of iHomeschool Network ….
I’m grateful for …
An email I got late last night from Amy and Jimmie, co-founders of iHomeschool Network, inviting me to join their amazing network of homeschool bloggers.
Things I’m working on …
I’ve got a load of stuff coming up next week! You’ll see posts on how we deal with allergies, how I cure my insomnia, and the nursing pillow I think needs to be on every baby registry. If that’s not enough for you, I’ll also share the ten things I’ve learned about myself through homeschooling. Phew!
My kiddos favorite thing this week was …..
See that little blonde cutie in the teal shirt?
That’s Rachel, riding on a float in the Kentucky Derby Festival parade.
If you’re not from Louisville, it might be hard to imagine what the big hoopla is all about here in the spring.
This is our city’s time to shine, with over two weeks’ worth of family friendly events, all leading up to the Crown Jewel of Horse Racing – The Kentucky Derby. (can you tell I’m just a little proud?)
A photo to share …
I’m a firm believer in ‘everyone should go to the Derby at least once in their lives.’ What’s not to love? (only the horribly overpriced drinks!)
This photo is one of my all time favorites — if you’re a regular reader, you’ve seen this picture before.
Circa May 2005, this is my husband and I at the beautiful Churchill Downs on Derby Day. Seriously, this is the day I decided I was going to marry the man. (he just didn’t know it yet!)
Drop by my friend Jennifer’s place to congratulate her on a new baby and see her 7 Quick Takes. You can visit more of my friends at the iHN’s Homeschool Mother’s Journal.
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I just bought iBlog and have almost finished it. I’ve been looking for a good book to recommend for my clients. So glad I found this one. I especially love the Christian perspective.