Luke 1:46-47
And Mary said,
“My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”

Our Lady of Guadalupe
I love reading stories about Marian apparitions, for so many reasons. The thought of Mary choosing the humble, the poor, the uneducated among us reminds me to swallow my pride, and refrain from judging others who seem ‘beneath’ me. I find it much easier to approach Jesus through his mother Mary – thinking of her in her role as daughter, friend, and mother.
In my life, I can’t think of a single struggle that Mary has not experienced. I turn to her for guidance and support, and strive to emulate her patience, grace, and love.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is my very favorite story of Mary, other that what we read in Scripture. In 1531, she appeared to Juan Diego, a poor Aztec Indian. In a series of four visits, she asked that a temple be built in her name. Juan Diego informed the bishop, who asked for a sign from Our Lady.
In the middle of December, Mary gave Juan Diego Castille roses for the local bishop. Wrapping the flowers in his tilma, Juan set off for the bishop’s palace. When he presented the flowers to the bishop, all were astounded at the image of Our Lady that was imprinted on his cloak. This tilma is now housed in the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City, visited by over 15 million people per year.
We’re rounding the corner in Advent, and celebrating Gaudete Sunday. We are reminded to rejoice, for the Christ Child will soon be with us. Light your pink candle this week,and you may even see your priest donning some rose colored vestments today!
How’s the season shaping up for you? I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that instead of centering myself and being contemplative, it’s the same old crazy chaos around here. I’ll try to do a better job this week. Be sure and drop me a comment, letting me know what’s going on in your neck of the woods.
I love the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, too! I would love to be able to visit the shrine some day.
It’s seriously one of my favorites …. along with Lourdes, Fatima, and Medjugorje. There’s some long stories behind why they are my favorites …. I’ll get around to telling them one day.
Oh, yes! I absolutely love the stories of Fatima and Lourdes, too. However, out of all the apparitions of Our Lady (including Our Lady of Guadalupe), if I could only choose to visit one shrine again in my life, I’d go back to Medjugorje.
I can hardly put into words the experience I had there…
That is such a great story! I love any and all that involve Mary too. I’d say that’s the one question I get the most from non Catholics too, “You worship Mary?!” I guess it’s hard for them to understand the great respect and gratefulness we have for such a strong and gracious woman without worshipping her like God but rather celebrating and thanking her. How do you answer that question? Or is it one you do not get?
Are you ready for the longest reply ever?
I don’t get that question from non Catholics. Not sure why …. perhaps I’m not witness enough to my faith that it comes up, or maybe the folks I come in contact just don’t think to ask.
For me, venerating Mary is easy-peasy ….. even though I was not raised Catholic. Long story … I was baptized Catholic, raised Baptist, and returned to the Catholic faith when I met my first husband. (I’ll go into that one day on the blog, too) For me, having a spiritual mother is so comforting to me …. perhaps because my own relationship with my mother is so rocky. Mary is my mother, my sister, my grandmother, a church elder, all wrapped up into one.
Back to the original questions about how to explain the importance of Mary in our lives as Catholics …. Mary said “Yes” to God, whole heartedly, and without questioning His Divine Will. Her “yes” paved the way for Jesus to be born …. why wouldn’t we venerate her, as well? She also tells us, as at Cana, “Do whatever He tells you.” Who can go wrong, there?
I love to read Sarah Reinhard’s pieces about Mary, in which she describes Mary as having a lap big enough for all of us to sit, and draw closer to Jesus. I love her analogy, for that’s just how I feel.