He who oppresses the poor taunts his Maker,
But he who is gracious to the needy honors Him.
(Thanks to the Office of Social Justice for a summary of our Catholic social teachings)
With today’s economic downslide, it seems like ALL of us are suffering. It’s a difficult call for us to help others, when our own families are having to stretch to make ends meet. Please keep in mind that helping others less fortunate doesn’t necessarily mean another hit on your budget.
Cleaning out your closets, for the upcoming consignment sale season? Consider calling a local pregnancy crisis center and drop off some items there. Does the monthly budget template you are using show you have a little extra money this month? Rather than splurging, donate it to a charitable source. Score a big sale on non-perishable items? Buy some extra to help stock a food bank. Have some spare time? Stop by a soup kitchen and help to serve food. Have a Starbucks addiction? Take a hiatus from coffee for a week, then give the money you saved to someone less fortunate.
I’d love to hear your ideas on how you give to others in need — you’ll be my inspiration to start helping out more!
Personally, I can’t think of caring for the poor, without St Vincent de Paul coming to mind. His name is synonomous with helping the less fortunate, with SVDP centers all over the country.
He was born to a poor family in France, and was ordained at age 20. He was kidnapped by Turkish pirates and sold into slavery. After converting one of his captors to Christianity, he returned to France as a parish priest. There, he began organizations dedicated to the service of the poor, sick and unemployed. Together with St Louise de Marillac, created the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity, and instituted the Congregation of Priests of the Mission.
You can find many writings by Saint Vincent de Paul, but one of my favorites is this:
It is our duty to prefer the service of the poor to everything else and to offer such service as quickly as possible. If a needy person requires medicine or other help during prayer time, do whatever has to be done with peace of mind. Offer the deed to God as your prayer…. Charity is certainly greater than any rule. Moreover, all rules must lead to charity.
I struggle with finding time for prayers, so the thought of offering my work for others up as a prayer speaks to my heart.
Join in, share your inspiration for helping the less fortunate, or your favorite saints and Scripture! Don’t forget to grab the code and stick it in your post as well.
Are there topics you’d like to see covered here, on Saints and Scripture Sunday? Wondering about Confession? Why are Catholics so enamored of Mary? What in the world is NFP? Drop me an email, or use the handy contact form above.
This is a beautiful post, Dianna. I love the suggestions you made.
When I think I have nothing to give, I remember the “widow’s mite” who gave from her need; it puts things into perspective for me.
Speaking of spare time: Visiting a nursing home or the home-bound elderly would be another idea. I’ve worked with the elderly most of my life and so many are alone, on fixed incomes and could use a loving hand or smile.
Your Sunday posts are always so inspirational! I look forward to them every week. I think I’m going to start reading them to the family since we are now homechurching (long story).
Can’t wait to see you in Philly!