Psalm 119:105,114
Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.
You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word.
This ranks right up there as one of the most comforting Scriptures I’ve ever read or heard. It’s a warm blanket in which to wrap up, to shield myself from the storms of life. This week has been rough for me — I made a silly mistake that my husband bailed me out of, but I’m still beating myself up. Add that to the normal day to day drama, as well as Brett increasing his hours out of the home, and my stress level is to the max. This verse is just what I need to remind me to take a deep breath, and rely on God to get me through.
Can a princess be a Saint? Certainly. Take a look at Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Born in the 1200s, this Princess was married at the age of 14, beginning a life dedicated to works of charity
. A mother of three children, she was known for daily distribution of bread among the poor.
Tragedy struck when her husband was killed in battle during the Crusades. Elizabeth arranged for the care of her children, then joined the tertiary of St Francis. She had a hospital built in Marburg, where she cared for the sick until her death in 1231. She is known as the patron saint of bakers, the homeless, nursing services, young brides and widows.
Join in with your favorites, and have a wonderful week!
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