Psalms 119:32
I run in the path of your commands,
for you have set my heart free.
In a challenge to myself, (and inspired by my friend Daune) I’ve taken up running as my new way to keep fit. After the first few weeks of thinking, “WHY in the world do people EVER DO this?” I’m getting to the point where I actually enjoy it.
After I bought my new fancy Nike Sensor, I inadvertently deleted all of my ‘workout’ music — think songs with thumping club beats, completely inappropriate for children. I panicked for a moment, thinking, “I can’t get through these runs without my music!”
Sometimes, you just need a little clarity, a little quiet conversation, and some amazing scenery.
While the children played with Brett, in a park that is near and dear to my heart, I took off for my run, Instead of a pounding beat, I listened to my favorite podcasters/bloggers over at Faith and Family Live. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that I COULD run, without music. I was blessed to hear other Catholic mothers discuss preparing for Advent, and quieting our souls in the midst of one of the busiest times of the year.
In training for upcoming races, I’m pushing myself to strive for more – each day I try to run a little longer, a little farther, or perhaps a more strenuous route. I came across a phrase that Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati once wrote on this picture of himself on a mountain top:
Verso l’alto
In English, this translates as ‘toward the top’. What a marvelous way to approach life – always challenging ourselves to become a better version, and more of what God wants us to be.
We’re a few weeks from Advent — how are your preparations coming? I’m on the hunt for an Advent wreath (my first ever, I’m ashamed to admit!), and some new books for the Kennedy Kaboodle.
Join in this week with us, and share your favorite Saints and Scriptures!
I love that quite by Blessed Georgio!
I haven’t started advent preparations yet, I’m afraid. Just haven’t had a chance. Our homeschooling program has an advent curriculum built in, so we will definitely be doing that. 🙂
I was unfamiliar with him, but I really loved what I learned. He was vibrant, full of life, and always striving for better things.
Advent … I’m going to do my BEST to do an Advent wreath this year, which means I need to get my act together NOW.
Opps! That was supposed to be QUOTE by Blessed Georgio. LOL!
That’s awesome that you were able to find such a motivating and inspiring alternative!
I was really surprised, but I honestly enjoy my runs more now!