Psalms 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
It’s winter here, for sure in Kentucky, with the temperature in the thirties. Around my house, we’re still working on cleaning out the closets, doing the bi-annual ‘switching of the clothes’. My dear husband has even gotten into the act, without any prompting from me.
In cleaning out the house, and moving closer to Advent, my thoughts turn to a deeper cleansing and preparation. In straightening my home, I’m mindful of clearing the cobwebs in my spirit and soul. How are you preparing for this change of seasons?
Looking over our liturgical calendar, St. Leonard’s feast day is this weekend. Researching him was a bit difficult, as details of his life were not written until long after his death.
He was a French saint, born in 466, and living until 559. He was favored by King Clovis, for his intercession on the behalf of his pregnant wife. He is known as the patron of those undergoing childbirth, prisoners, prisoners of war, and those in danger from thieves and robbers.
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How appropriate and reassuring as I sit in the hospital with a friend who is 34 weeks pregnant with twins, hoping to hold out until her husband returns from deployment in a few weeks.
Love the hat on your husband. 🙂 I’ve never heard of St. Leonard before. Will go and learn more.
Sorry I didn’t get a post up this week. The week got away from me and I never got the chance to write it. Next week for sure!
Thanks for hosting this every Sunday! Its a lot of fun to write.
Psalms 51 is one of my very favorite psalms!