Psalm 24:1
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it.
While on vacation, my husband convinced me to travel to a nearby state park, to take the children for a canoe trip.
Long ago, when we started dating, we spent much of our time outdoors, at a local park. I credit him for reminding me to get back to basics, and acknowledge the beauty that surrounds us.
Sitting in the quiet stillness (or as much as there can be, with three small children), I was reminded of our call as Catholics to be careful stewards of our resources, including the world in which we live.
By taking time to enjoy our world, we were treated to a private moment between a mother dolphin and her baby. We were enthralled to watch, listen, and appreciate nature.
What saint comes to mind, when discussing the beauty of nature? Saint Francis of Assisi, of course. Chances are, even non-Catholics are familiar with his statues in yards across America.
He is an Italian saint, born in Italy in the 11th century, to a wealthy family. Francis was well liked by his peers,and soon became the leader of a group of young people who enjoyed partying – a little too much.
After a year in a dungeon being held for ransom, and a failed quest to become a knight during the Crusades, Francis received a call from God to return home. Humiliated, he spent time in prayer, renouncing his own father for the Church, and went about preaching, living in radical poverty.
Join in today, and share your favorite saints and scriptures!
I love the pictures! What a moment it must have been to be able to see the Dolphins. 🙂
So nice to appreciate God’s gifts, even when you ae on vacation. 🙂
I like this idea. I’m looking forward to reading more of these.
Found you through SITS and am so excited! I’ve been on the hunt for Catholic oriented sites. My husband’s Army career took us away from a wonderful parish and I just haven’t found one that felt like home since. So, to the internet I go….I enjoyed browsing your site so much, I gave you a blog award today.
I love this idea! Congrats on your SITS day and keep up the excellent work!