As we read the Gospel this week, I always sit up a little straighter and listen a little more intently.

Matthew 2:11
Then they opened their treasures
and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
I love to hear the story of the Magi, the three Kings who traveled so far to meet the Christ Child. I love to tell my children of the Wise Men who traveled many miles when they heard the news of Jesus’ birth.
They came bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. As a mother of an infant, I’ve often wondered why these gifts? (Rachel asked me the same question this year!)
I’m all about being practical and would have wanted to bring Mary diapers or blankets for the baby.
The Magi had it right. They brought the very best they had to offer, paying homage to the King.
I’m reminded again, as we begin to wrap up the Christmas season of how blessed I am.
I’m trying my best to clear my head, among this busy season in my life, to listen for guidance.
Like the Magi, I want to offer God my very best. I want to bring Him my gifts …. once I figure out what those might be. I’ll be singing one of my favorite songs today, asking for guidance to His perfect light.
What a lovely reminder: to bring our very best gifts to Jesus. Thanks for hosting the link up.