Prov 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Aside from reading the actual words of Jesus in the Gospels, Proverbs has to be one of my favorite books in the Bible. Where else can you find such honest, thought provoking advice for all areas in your life?
When Brett and I were dating, he mentioned homeschooling to me. I thought he was insane — seriously. After more research, it began to make more sense to me. As Catholic parents, we are called to be the primary and principal educators of our children. As I’ve gotten older, this calling has become more focused in my mind.
Is choosing to homeschool my small children an easy decision? Will it be an easy task? No, on both counts. I’ve struggled with this, going back and forth, doubting my own ability, many times. I’m hoping that it will become a little easier as the boys get a little easier, but for now, I’m going to give it my best shot. I certainly won’t regret a minute of the time and effort it takes.
With Abigail, although I may not be her primary educator from a scholastic standpoint, rest assured that I’m firmly entrenched in my job as role model for her — to teach her our family values, and how to better navigate the world in front of her. I’ll be blogging about all of these things, to keep myself accountable!
Today, since I’m discussing education, the spotlight is on Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. She was the first saint born on American soil, and started the first FREE Catholic school for girls in the United States. She was also the Foundress of the Sisters of Charity in the U.S. A girl after my own heart, she was a prolific reader — everything from contemporary novels to the Bible. She was also a convert to the Catholic faith, witnessing the Catholic faith through friends she met in Italy while caring for her dying husband. There is a popular devotion to her as the patron saint of Catholic schools.
Join in, link up, and have a happy and blessed Holy Week!
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