Unless otherwise noted, all printables purchased from The Kennedy Adventures are intended for personal use (with your own children or grandchildren) or for classroom use (one classroom, one teacher, multiple children).
All worksheets and printables downloaded from The Kennedy Adventures are covered under the copyright of The Kennedy Adventures.
When you choose to download any worksheets or printable items from The Kennedy Adventures, you are agreeing to abide by these terms:
You may download available printable items to your hard drive and then print them from your home computer. You may use them for your own homeschool students, classroom use (one teacher, one classroom, multiple students), co-op students (one classroom, one teacher, multiple students), or personal home use.
You may not remove the copyright notice and website address of The Kennedy Adventures at the bottom of the worksheet or printable item.
You may not alter the worksheet or printable item in any way.
If you would like to tell others about my products, directly link to The Kennedy Adventures. You are NOT allowed to link directly to the pdf. The link to the original post must be shared.
You may not pin a .pdf to Pinterest. You can only pin the post’s URL.
You may not sell or profit from any worksheet or printable item from The Kennedy Adventures in any way. For example, you may not print and sell items individually or in a kit.
You may not host any files from The Kennedy Adventures on your own site or any type of file-sharing site such as Yahoo Groups, Google Drive, Facebook Groups, Dropbox, or MediaFire.
Items purchased from The Kennedy Adventures are only to be used by the one purchasing.
If you purchased the All Access Catholic Pass from The Kennedy Adventures, you are not allowed to share that login with anyone else. Only the purchaser of the membership may use the login.
Photographs and pictures on The Kennedy Adventures website and all downloads are either property of this site or they are purchased stock photos. You may not use them in any capacity without specific written permission from The Kennedy Adventures.
If you have questions about the use of any worksheets or printable items from The Kennedy Adventures, please contact me at [dianna @ thekennedyadventures.com].
I, Dianna Kennedy, reserve the right to change this Terms of Use at any time.